quinta-feira , 2 de maio de 2024
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Call for 2017 CSE Scholarship Applications

The Council of Science Editors (CSE) is a dynamic community of editorial professionals dedicated to the responsible and effective communication of science. Its mission is to serve editorial professionals in the sciences by creating a supportive network for career development, providing educational opportunities, and developing resources for identifying and implementing high-quality editorial practices.

The CSE Scholarship Program has been developed to support publishing professionals by sponsoring their attendance to the CSE Annual Meeting. A number of scholarships are being offered to attend the CSE Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, May 20-23, 2017. By attending, you will have the opportunity to learn, meet colleagues working in the same field, and have the possibility of joining a committee and contributing while getting to know the organization. We welcome applicants of all levels of experience, but especially encourage early-career professionals to apply for the scholarship.
Each funded scholar will receive free full meeting registration to the Annual Meeting, excluding Short Courses and any additional offerings, and reimbursement for travel expenses (including hotel stay at the conference hotel and meals), up to $2,000.00. All applicants early in their career are welcome!
Decisions will be based on review of each application by the CSE Membership Committee. Applicants who address all points will be scored higher than those who do not. Clarity of expression and perceived enthusiasm will reflect positively on the candidate. Applicants with specific goals will be scored higher than those with vague ideas.
Applications must be received by October 7, 2016.
The application must be completed on the website in English. Do not fax or mail the application form.

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