sábado , 27 de julho de 2024
Home / Blog / Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management’s editorial: The 24-Hour Lightning Forecast System in Brazil

Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management’s editorial: The 24-Hour Lightning Forecast System in Brazil

By Luiz Sávio de Araújo Júnior


In the years of moderate occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon, powerful storms with the presence of lightning flashes has strongly affected the Southern region of Brazil. According to the Grupo de Eletricidade Atmosférica (ELAT) of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), coordinated by Dr Osmar Pinto Junior, the trend is that storms with lightning flashes are increasing in the South while decreasing in the North and Northeast regions. According to the results of the study, a great difficulty was identified and limitations were found in the use of different approaches based on empirical methods and/or statistics in forecasting lightning in the region of transition between the Southeast and Midwest.

Image source: Best photo of October lightning ELAT - INPE, 2015. Accessible in: http://www.inpe.br/webelat/homepage/menu/noticias/foto.do.mes.php.
Image source: Best photo of October lightning ELAT – INPE, 2015. Accessible in: http://www.inpe.br/webelat/homepage/menu/noticias/foto.do.mes.php.

However, the application of meteorological models associated with the use of computational capability in order to make forecasts of lightning and minimize injuries and hazardous situations, is a current topic of huge interest in the scientific community and is presented in the editorial “The 24-Hour Lightning Forecast System in Brazil” (Pinto et al.) in issue 4, Volume 7, on-line version of the Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management in http://www.jatm.com.br.



MSc Luiz Sávio de Araújo Júnior is the Social Media Manager of Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management and Researcher in Economics  and Innovation Technology Management at Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica – ITA.

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